Some activities don’t naturally belong to one Directorate or could be quite dispersed and operating in many separate places across your organisation. These activities may benefit from our support to identify a consistent approach and identify opportunities to drive holistic improvements for the whole council.
We develop options appraisals of the different delivery models available to your operation and make clear recommendations based on your aspirations, benefits and risks. This might be for individual services, or groups of similar services as appropriate.
We identify income opportunities from trading or from a review of your fees and charges, spotting opportunities for increases. This may involve developing your staff to be more commercially aware and carrying out an assessment of the market place, potential customer base and local competition for services.
Our expertise extends from improving building maintenance operations through better scheduling or productivity to developing plans to improve asset utilisation, asset development or identifying future disposal programmes.
We can support you to redesign the customer experience, integrate and centralise operations, develop you channel management strategy or drive productivity and service levels in your contact operations
Irrespective of service we are skilled at redeveloping your management and officer structures, hierarchies, spans of control and role capabilities to meet your corporate aspirations and drive improved services.
We can evaluate your existing savings plans to ensure they are realistic, on track, deliverable, challenging enough or to assess timing and the resources. This could include an assessment of capacity and expertise to enable sustainable delivery.
By developing options for different delivery models or identifying headline initiatives we are adept at quickly establishing the costs, benefits and the fit of your operating models with your corporate aspirations.
Many local authorities already understand the scale of opportunity and have identified the initiatives but then require our support to develop a deliverable plan. This can include an assessment of risk, consideration of political timetable or evaluation of resources required.